The apartment industry offers many job opportunities for your students
The apartment industry offers students many job opportunities as there are thousands of apartment complexes that need to be managed and run throughout the country. In Texas alone more than 75,000 people are employed full time in the apartment industry. The spring semester represents a unique season for graduating students; the paths they choose can guide them towards long-term success and stability. Many students can even earn scholarship dollars from companies in the apartment industry if they choose to work in this industry during their college years.
The Texas Apartment Association Education Foundation (TAAEF), an organization dedicated to raising awareness about careers and opportunities in the apartment industry, recently announced the launch of a new awareness campaign, themed “Room to Grow. A website has been created to give students more information on opportunities in this industry. The website URL is
While geared toward Texas, the information is relevant to students throughout the United States. Some of the features highlighted on the site are:
• Employee spotlight videos that feature a cross-section of apartment industry professionals giving compelling, first-hand insight into what it’s like to grow within the industry, whether as a maintenance technician or leasing agent.
• An interactive career matching tool that enables prospective employees to find industry job opportunities that best fit their personality and professional goals. It also serves as a simple, fun first step to exploring industry jobs for those who are not sure where to start.
• The online hub will serve as a home base for industry professionals and prospects to access all “Room to Grow” campaign content, from video testimonials and job profiles to a career matching tool and other educational resources about the industry
The apartment industry may not be an industry your students have considered but it is one that has a lot of opportunity and jobs are plentiful.
The TAA Education Foundation (TAAEF) is shaping the future of the Texas apartment industry by supporting formalized training in residential property management, raising awareness of industry careers and providing career-oriented resources to benefit current and future apartment professionals. Find out more about TAAEF online at