These articles will be featured in our Spring 2018 issue

Next month our Spring 2018 issue will be published and we are proud to say we have put together a great issue of comprehensive articles that should be of interest to all High School Counselors throughout the country. Here is a summary of the scheduled articles:

Who’s Deciding? – What’s going on in admissions offices as they pour through piles of applications, and how can your students improve their odds.

Tips for Waitlisted Applicants

Five Mistakes Students Make When Preparing for the SAT and ACT

Does Character Count? – Do colleges care about the “quality” of a prospect, and how should they measure it if they did?

Health Professions Your Students Can Start Now

Careers to Consider – Digital Gaming

Getting Onboard with Online Instruction

How to Help Students With Analysis Paralysis

Helicopter Parents –  How to Deal with Helicopter Parents During the College Essay Writing Process

The Need to Lead – Colleges look for leadership, but it’s not easy for every student, and there are other ways to impress

Interview – Heidi Clark-Smitley – Director of Guidance and College Counseling – Catholic Central High School – Grand Rapids, MI

If You Could Give Seniors Only One Piece of Advice …what would it be?

You’ve Earned It – The Secret of Self-Esteem

Top Blogs for Counselors

Scholarship Watch – Scholarships Available  for Your Students

Why Helping Students Choose Career Pathways are More Important than College Exploration

Counselor’s Calendar – Listing of College Fairs for Your Students

How to Identify Extracurricular Overload

School Counselors + Virtual Reality = A Formula for Success

Have you subscribed to get the print version? January 20th is the deadline to get on the list to ensure you receive the Spring 2018 issue. If you haven’t yet signed up here is the subscription link –