Articles your fellow Counselors said they would like to see in LINK for Counselors
Would you like to share some of your knowledge with your fellow Counselors around the country? We recently had Paramount Research conduct a study on the Counselors throughout the country and more than 800 participated. One of the questions we asked is what topics/articles would you like to see in future issues of LINK for Counselors. Here were some of the topics:
- Articles about how to stay on trend with admissions, how to get administration to approve college visits
- Counselors role in Mental Health counseling
- Grief counseling
- Helping students choose a college major
- Benefits of starting at a community college
- Helping undocumented students navigate college admissions
- How counselors prepare students for non-college destinations (apprenticeships, the military, tech schools, trade schools etc).
- How to deal with the impact of sexting and social media on children
- Personal stories on counselors and struggles they may face such as ethical issues, parental problems or student issues
- Services for students with disabilities at colleges (accommodations, procedures, etc.)
- Side-by-side comparison of software like Naviance, SCIOR, etc. to help counselors choose which is right for their school.
- Tips for student interviews with Colleges
- Crafting a solid college counseling program
If you are an expert on any of the above topics we would love to hear from you at