College Interview Season is Upon Us
How to help your students prep for their college interview.
Most go well, but be certain to practice and research the school to ensure they succeed.
Sweaty palms, churning stomach and the deer-in-the-headlights look are common anticipated experiences for high school seniors when approaching their first college interview. But, truth be told, most interviews go exceedingly well and students walk away pleased with how they communicated who they are and what they’re looking for in a college.
While surveys have shown that people are more afraid of speaking in public than death, the college interview is just not that bad. Interviewers are typically not trying to trick students and are compassionate.
How to prepare
Make a good first impression. Students can’t go wrong if they dress for a business meeting.
They should do their homework prior to the interview. Research the college, not just on its website, but visit college blogs such as and sites with student reviews such as or sites with up-to-date data such as
Be comfortable bragging a little. Talk more about how they achieved their goals and less about the specific awards or honors received. They should be prepared to share why they feel the college represents a good match for them. Practice responding to questions with a family member. Write up questions they think they will be asked such as:
What are your greatest strengths? What was your high school like? What are your biggest accomplishments? What are your favorite subjects and why? Why are you interested in attending this college? More challenging questions: What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you? If you had a day/week/month/year to do whatever you wanted, what would you do? Describe an experience in which you grew and/or changed.
Prepare questions to ask each interviewer based on their research. Don’t ask questions that they can easily find the answers to on their own. Suggested questions: Is it possible to study abroad two or more times, perhaps once in the summer and once during the academic year? How does the advising system work? Is there a “Freshmen Experience” program?
And don’t forget to exit making a good impression. They should always thank the interviewer and staff in the admissions office and send a thank-you note.
Do: Request a business card, come prepared, be their self, be prompt and be polite.
Don’t be passive, arrogant, bored or rude; don’t complain and don’t chew gum. MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF THEIR PHONE!
Final don’t: Don’t worry. Unless they commit one of the “don’t” sins above, the interview will most likely not hurt their admissions chances.
Lee Bierer is an independent college adviser based in Charlotte. Send questions to:;