Featured College Profiles

Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences
Website | http://www.baylor.edu/aviation |
Aviation@baylor.edu | |
Phone | 254-710-3563 |

Colorado State University, College of Business, Global Business Academy
Website | http://www.csuglobalbusinessacademy.org |
Cob_globalbizacademy@colostate.edu |

Defiance College
Website | http://www.defiance.edu/ |
admissions@defiance.edu | |
Phone | 419-783-2352 |

Erskine College
Website | http://visit.erskine.edu |
admissions@erskine.edu | |
Phone | 864-379-8838 |

Gannon University
Website | http://www.gannon.edu |
admissions@gannon.edu | |
Phone | 814-871-7407 |

Grand Canyon University
Website | http://www.gce.edu |
campusadmissions@gcu.edu | |
Phone | 855-428-7884 |

Hampton University
Website | http://www.hamptonu.edu |
admissioncounselor@hamptonu.edu | |
Phone | 757-727-5000 |

High Point University
Website | http://www.highpoint.edu |
admiss@highpoint.edu | |
Phone | 336-841-9216 |

Hofstra University
Website | http://www.hofstra.edu |
admission@hofstra.edu | |
Phone | 800-463-7872 or 516-463-6700 |

Johnson & Wales University
Website | http://www.jwu.edu |
charlotte@admissions.jwu.edu | |
Phone | 980-598-1100 |

Landmark College
Website | http://www.landmark.edu |
admissions@landmark.edu | |
Phone | 802-387-6718 |

Lycoming College
Website | http://www.lycoming.edu |
admissions@lycoming.edu | |
Phone | 1-800-345-3920 |

Lynn University
Website | http://www.lynn.edu |
admission@lynn.edu | |
Phone | 561-237-7900 |

Michigan State University
Website | http://www.admissions.msu.edu |
admis@msu.edu | |
Phone | 517-355-8332 |

Midwestern State University
Website | http://www.msutexas.edu |
admissions@msutexas.edu | |
Phone | 800-842-1922 |

Niagara University
Website | http://www.niagara.edu |
admissions@niagara.edu | |
Phone | 800-462-2111 or 716-286-8715 |

Salisbury University
Website | http://www.salisbury.edu |
admissions@salisbury.edu | |
Phone | 410-543-6161 |

Stetson University
Website | http://www.stetson.edu/LINK |
admissions@stetson.edu | |
Phone | 386-822-7100 |

SUNY Oswego
Website | https://ww1.oswego.edu/ |
admiss@oswego.edu | |
Phone | 315-312-2250 |

Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Website | http://tamucc.edu |
recruitment@tamucc.edu | |
Phone | 1.800.4.TAMUCC |

Touro University, New York School of Career and Applied Studies (NYSCAS)
Website | http://www.nyscas.touro.edu/hello |
nyscas@touro.edu | |
Phone | 855-62-TOURO |

University of California, Davis
Website | http://www.ucdavis.edu |
marketing@ucdavis.edu | |
Phone | 530-752-1930 |

University of Charleston
Website | http://www.ucwv.edu |
admissions@ucwv.edu | |
Phone | 304-357-4750 or 1-800-995-4682 |

University of Evansville
Website | http://www.evansville.edu |
admission@evansville.edu | |
Phone | 1-833-BeAnAce |

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Website | http://www.admissions.uncg.edu |
admissions@uncg.edu | |
Phone | 336-334-5243 |

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Website | http://www.uncw.edu |
admissions@uncw.edu | |
Phone | 910-962-3243 |

Utica University
Website | http://www.utica.edu |
admiss@utica.edu | |
Phone | 800-782-8884 |

Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets
Website | http://www.vtcc.vt.edu |
corps@vt.edu | |
Phone | (540) 231-6858 |