Cyber Bullying continues to be a problem with teens – Here are some statistics
73 percent of students felt like they have been bullied at some time in their life. 44 percent say it has happened within the past 30 days. The advent of social media has opened the door for a new type of bullying: cyber bullying.
Here are some stats from a Ditch the Label Survey:
Here are some other cyberbullying statistics to consider:
- Over half of students who identify as being LGBTQ have experienced cyber bullying at some point (
- Girls are more likely to be the victim of cyberbullying than boys. Overall, around 36 percent of girls have reported being cyberbullied, as compared to 26 percent of boys (Pew Research Center)
- 83 percent of those who have been cyberbullied have also been bullied in person, and 69 percent of those who admitted bullying online have also admitted to in-person bullying. (Florida Atlantic University)
Here are some additional stats from the Ditch the Label Survey:
How can you tell if someone is being Cyberbullied?
According to the National Crime Prevention Center, there are several behavioral changes that someone being cyberbullied may undergo:
- become shy and withdrawn
- become moody, agitated, anxious or stressed out
- act more aggressively towards others
- protest more about going to school
- get into trouble at school
- skip school
- experience a dip in academic performance
- change eating and sleeping habits
- stop using the computer or other devices that connect to the internet
- attempt self-harm or threaten suicide
- suddenly begin hanging out with a new group of friends
These tips come from a larger piece published by Broadbandsearch linked here:
They provide some great info that can help you recognize when one of your students is being cyber bullied and some of the steps you can take to help them.