Free Webinar: Your Neurodivergent Student and the Launch to College

Anticipating the shift from high school to college can feel overwhelming for many parents and teens; neurodivergent teens may face even more challenges in navigating this transition. This presentation will help parents approach the change as a gradual process, helping their child take charge of their academics and build the self-advocacy skills needed to become a successful college student. Parents will learn to pivot from the role of high school parent to the role of college parent by helping their student create an awareness and narrative of their specific learning needs; prepare for the important differences between high school and college academic expectations; understand what it means to seek learning accommodations and other support resources in college; and expand their teen’s ability to independently problem-solve.

The webinar will take place on April 12th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time. It is free to attend. Please share this with your parents that might have an interest. Here is the link –