Have any students that are interested in pursuing a Nursing career?
If yes, we found a resource that lists a number of scholarships opportunities specifically for students pursuing a career in Nursing. Here are a list of some of the scholarships available and a link to the complete listing with information on how to apply to each:
AfterCollege/AACN Nursing Scholarship Program
Amount $2,500
American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarships in Cancer Nursing
Amount $30,000
American Indian Nurse Scholarship Awards
Amount $1,500
AMRI’s Scholarship Program for Healthcare Students
Amount $1,000
Bethesda Lutheran Communities Lutheran Student Scholastic & Service Scholarship
Amount $3,000
Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship
Amount $2,500
Cheryl M. Thomas Scholarship
Amount $5,000
CPR Certification Institute Scholarship for Health Care Professionals
Amount $2,000
Deborah E. Trautman Future Nurse Leader Scholarship
Amount $3,500
Exceptionalnurse.com Scholarship
Amount Varies
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) Scholarships
Amount $500-$5,000
Hurst Review/AACN Nursing Scholarship
Amount $2,500
Indian Health Service Scholarship
Amount Tuition and other schooling costs
Lighting the Way for Nursing Scholarship
Amount $5,000
Mae & Mary Legacy Scholarships
Amount Varies
National Black Nurses Association Scholarships
Amount Varies
NLN Nursing Education Scholarship Award
Amount $8,000 (maximum)
National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) Scholarship Programs
Amount Varies
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
Amount Full tuition and other schooling costs.
TYLENOL® Future Care Scholarships
Amount Varies
Link to information on how to apply to each: https://nursejournal.org/resources/financial-aid/nursing-scholarship-grants/