NACAC is looking for member feedback – $100 Amazon gift card if you would like to participate
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has just begun an in-depth effort to improve its membership experience and service to the college admission counseling profession, and they are actively looking for your ideas in order to make that experience as professionally and personally satisfying as possible. Your feedback can help enhance the services and benefits NACAC provides and to reveal the best ways to encourage your colleagues to join or renew their membership.
They will be hosting an online Bulletin Board Focus Group (BBFG) to improve the value of membership and elevate their offerings to the college admission and counseling communities. Members who take part in the focus group will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card. This research is being conducted by their partner, Marketing General Incorporated (MGI).
The BBFG will take place from Tuesday, April 12, 2022 through Thursday, April 14, 2022. Participants will be asked to log into the online research discussion for a brief period once a day on each of these three days.
You will be asked a set of questions that should only take about 20 minutes to complete, but you may log in as often as you want and also respond to the comments that other participants have made. Occasionally, the group moderator may ask a follow-up question for clarification, and you also may receive an email asking you to rejoin the discussion to answer any follow-up questions.
If you are interested in sharing your opinions in this online discussion, please complete this contact form. All information collected, and all information provided in the discussion will remain completely confidential. They will randomly select individuals to participate. All those selected will be notified and will be sent login/password information to participate.
To express their gratitude for your time, NACAC will send you a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Only those who complete the discussion will be eligible for this incentive.