Navigating the Military Academy Academic Process – Free Webinar

Have any students considering the military? If the answer if yes, this webinar is from you. Estrela Consulting’s Alyson Campbell is hosting a webinar Jack Bonnette of the U.S. Marine Corps and CPT Leo Genders of the U.S. Army who are graduates of the United States Military Academy (West Point) and the United States Naval Academy and have worked with students looking to gather more info and gain admission into these prestigious institutions. In the webinar they discuss these types of institutions, as well as best practices, timelines, and tips for students and families considering any of the U.S. military academies after graduation. If you have ANY interest in how this process works register to view this free webinar.

It is hosted live tonight (May 14th at 7 pm Eastern) and then archived for later viewing after the live event. Here is the link to view/register: