New resource available that helps your students find the top online STEM and computer science classes
The cost of college for your students continues to rise. Many students that don’t have the funds available to attend a brick and mortar school or want to take some classes online in addition to attending a brick and mortar school are looking for good online opportunities. Where do they start? Where do you send them when they ask for available resources? The Simple Dollar recently published a free guide to help students research available online STEM and computer science classes. This resource provides a list of the top online computer science classes and advice on how these classes can be applied in the real world. Utilizing online computer science classes can be a great way for anyone to get ahead, explore a career change, and learn more about the STEM fields.
Here’s our link to Simple Dollar’s list:
Although not all of them are free, each site has at least one free level of instruction. Education and self-betterment are processes that never really stop. Programming and other STEM-based skills are increasingly vital in modern business. Whatever your students degree of programming knowledge, these programs, sites, and courses are sure to help them expand their understanding of the digital world. With time, patience, and a little hard work, they can develop skills that will help guide them throughout the rest of their career.