Paramount Research Study Results & 10 Amazon Gift Card Winners

We recently had Paramount Research conduct a study on readers who received either the print or digital version of LINK for Counselors Spring 2021 issue. Here are some of the things we found:

56% of our readers work at a Public School, 28% at a Private School, 8% are Independent Counselors, 6% are Other Types of Counselors and 3% work at a College/University

The average Counselor works with 234 students

More than 51% of our readers do not belong to NACAC

Thanks for all of you that took the time to participate in the survey. Paramount Research randomly chose 10 winners of a $10 Amazon Gift card from all participants. These are this years winners:

Ebony White – Maryland

Mark D Dean – South Carolina

Ellen Frazier – Louisiana

Daysi Colom – New Jersey

Givanni Anchundia – New York

Melissa Kukta – California

Amelia Johnson – Alabama

Renee Garvey – Pennsylvania

Chris Bonneau – California

Yasmin Shepperd – California

Congrats to all the winners!