Recent Report says, Low-Income Students Need More Than Just a College Degree

In May a summit was hosted by College for Every Student to focus on ways to ensure that students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have the skills and training necessary to thrive in an increasingly competitive environment. The two day event was also sponsored by the GE Foundation and Trinity College Dublin.
While a variety of topics were covered, one underlying theme persisted; just attaining a college degree is not enough. Young people must also develop 21st century workplace readiness skills.
A white paper was published which summarized the findings: New Dimensions of College and Career Readiness: Implications for Low-Income Students
They came up with five strategies which are critical to readying your students for the new dimensions of college and career readiness. They are:


• Ramp up mentoring programs.
• Help students master the Essential Skills such as raised aspirations, teamwork, grit, perseverance, and adaptability.
• Place an increased focus on technical and computer science skills.
• Build STEM awareness, interest, and readiness.
• Provide out-of-the-classroom experiences such as internships, apprenticeships, and jobs.