Scholarship Opportunity for your students – The 1 for 2 Education Foundation
In 2020 the Tier for 2 Education Foundation awarded $25,000 each to 10 different students. They are again offering the opportunity for your students to apply for consideration. Here are the details:
The 1 for 2 Education Foundation is seeking highly motivated applicants of accredited U.S. four-year colleges and universities.
For the 2020 academic year the Foundation selected a diverse group of ten scholars who attended both public and private high schools from seven states. Grants of up to $25,000 per academic year were made to attend both public and private colleges and universities across the U.S.
For the 2021 academic year the Foundation intends to award at least two and up to ten merit-based scholarships. The size of the individual grants is determined on the basis of tuition remaining after considering all other forms of tuition assistance obtained by the scholar.
Requirements to Apply:
• An up to date official transcript from current school
• Signed 1 for 2 Education Foundation Pledge form
• All required application questions must be answered, and fields completed
• Applicant must be living in the United States but is not required to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
• The college or university must be in the United States
• GPA must be at least 3.7 unweighted, 4.0 weighted
Application Deadline: After 500 complete applications are received or February 15, 2021, whichever occurs first.
The Foundation considers the applicant’s high school academic record, leadership and community service activities, and letters of recommendation. Applicants are also assessed on the alignment of their values with the Foundation’s values as it relates to their intention to fulfill their Pledge to the Foundation.
While receiving a scholarship from the Foundation, scholars are required to attend the Foundation’s annual Gathering. During this event, scholars will have a chance to meet other scholars, graduates, and directors. They will also participate in personal development and learning sessions aimed at preparing them for academic, career, and life goals. The 2021 Gathering is planned for July 29 – August 2, 2021, in Michigan. All reasonable costs to attend the Gathering are covered by the Foundation.
Applicants are required to make the following pledge:
In consideration of the 1 for 2 Education Foundation (“the Foundation”) making this scholarship grant I pledge to support the mission of the Foundation to build a community of scholars who are dedicated to being life-long learners by:
a) participating in the annual Foundation Gathering while receiving my scholarship,
b) supporting my fellow Foundation Scholars’ academic and career goals during my lifetime, and
c) paying for a comparable scholarship grant for two persons, who are not related to me by blood, adoption, or marriage, during my lifetime
Application link: Apply Now – 1 for 2 Education Foundation –