Senior Graduation Requirement Acknowledgement Letter Example
Have any students that are failing a class and in jeopardy of not graduating? Here is a nice sample letter template you can use to inform their parents that action is needed immediately to avoid that from happening:
(Name of High School) 2021 Senior Graduation Requirement Acknowledgement
Student Name: ___STUDENT NAME_____ ID: ____Student ID___
In order to graduate from (High School Name) on June 3, 2021 with the the Class of 2021, your student must successfully complete all (State Name) requirements for graduation per the (High School Name) Academic Planning Guide (see page x).
This is to notify you that as of _03/22/2021_ (date), your student is failing the following courses and will not graduate unless they work with their teacher to complete work in the specified course(s) OR work with their counselor to sign up for and complete Credit Recovery for the specified course(s), if available. (Note: the courses below are what is needed for graduation and may not include other courses that the student is failing.)
English 4 A&B Edgenuity & Classroom | Algebra 2 A&B | Economics |
Government | Earth & Space Science Edgenuity & Classroom |
Attendance: Students must also meet the “90% percent rule” for the state of (state name) which requires students to be present 90% of the time a class is held in order for the student to get credit. If you have questions about your attendance, contact your student’s Assistant Principal.
If you are currently an in-person student, go see your counselor ASAP concerning graduation.
Please sign and return this letter (via hardcopy or scan and email) to your student’s counselor by (date), 2021.
I understand that it is my student’s responsibility to successfully complete graduation requirements in order to graduate.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________Date: ______________ Student’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________
________________ _______________
Counselor phone # Assistant Principal phone #
Counselor email AP’s email
This letter was adapted from a template created by James Jones of Rockwall-Heath High School in Texas