Steps Your Students Can Use to Pick a Major
Choosing a major is the complex process that involves considering not only personal preferences and already obtained skills but also financial and career expectations along with the major’s relevance in a long-term perspective. While it may appear to be a tough decision accompanied by the fear of making the wrong choice, every student must realize that while the possibility to change the major is always available, it is more beneficial to pay a lot of attention to the initial choice as it will save much time and effort in future.
Steps Your Students Should Follow While Planning for their Future
- Consider their personality. It is extremely important to choose the professional path that they might follow throughout their entire life based on their own interests and abilities. One could not achieve success in the chosen field while hating a job or lacking the necessary skills to cope with responsibilities. Choose the sphere of occupation where they can be the best.
- Think about perspectives. Will their chosen major be useful for humanity in the near future? What about a distant future? It is hard to predict all turns of events but if they dedicate some time and think about these things, they will make a more justified choice. The usefulness of a profession is an important factor as it predicts employability and, consequently, their safe and wealthy future.
- Choose educational institution wisely. If there is a possibility to apply to any of the Ivy League universities, go for it. Do not be afraid of difficulties or any other possible downsides since employers and other influential people do notice the issuer of their diploma. It is always a good decision to have some additional benefits. However, do not make elite schools their only focus as the other ones may be much more efficient in the specific field of study they choose. For example, the University of California, Berkeley, could be a much better choice for young people who want to earn a degree in General Architecture based on the recent data on quality of education.
- Ask for help. While the choice of their future is entirely their own responsibility, a fresh perspective and objective estimation of all present factors made by a school advisor or counselor, teachers, parents, or other important people might show new horizons for them. There is no need to accept everything these advisors say but it is good for them to hear different opinions and perspectives. They should listen to what other people want to say, synthesize all viewpoints, and come up with their own decision.
- Don’t be afraid to change their mind. Remember, they are not obliged to stick to the chosen career for their whole life. The modern world is changing so rapidly that the ability to change becomes vital. It is perfectly normal to change a major, even during the last year of study if they think that it will be the right decision for their long term future.
This post was from a blog that EduBirdie submitted which also includes information about some hot careers and a summary of some of them with expected salary information. Here is a link to their post: