Study: Career Counseling and the Genetic Counseling Profession
If you are a practicing high school counselor or high school career counselor, you are invited to participate in a study exploring career counseling and the genetic counseling profession. Responses to this survey will help us understand if there is a need to provide education and information about the genetic counseling profession to high school and career counselors.
This study involves the completion of a 15 – minute online survey. Responses to this survey will be anonymous and stored in a secure database. As this is an online survey, there is a small risk for loss of confidentiality, but our team is taking precautions to minimize this risk to participants.
There is no cost associated with this survey. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may stop and leave the survey at any point. Participants must be English-speaking, practicing in the United States, and be over the age of 18.
At the end of the survey, you have the option to enter a drawing to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. If you choose to enter the drawing, your email address will be collected in a separate survey immediately following the completion of this one to keep your responses independent from your email. Your email will not be used for any other purpose. Gift card winners will be randomly selected and the gift cards will be distributed by email after the survey is closed. You are not required to participate in the drawing.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Claire Helmen at Please only take this survey once.
By selecting “Accept” below, you are consenting to participating in this study.
Thank you for your time. Please use the “Next Page” and “Previous Page” buttons to move forwards and backwards on the survey pages. Click here to take the survey: