Swimming has many benefits for your students (and can be good for you as well)

Jen Reviews has recently published a comprehensive guide that has 8 Health Benefits that can be gained from swimming. They also include some tips that can help your students swim better.

Here are the tips:

1. Swimming fights tiredness by improving oxygen intake and energy use in the body:

Participation in swimming can increase the maximum value of oxygen in the lungs, which delays feelings of tiredness from the onset of the anaerobic phase.

These training effects not only aid oxygen capacity and efficiency but also affect the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system as well.

2. Swimming protects the heart and cardiovascular system:

Having a moderate regimen of swimming in typical, day-to-day life can minimize fatigue and improve the function of the cardiovascular system, potentially protecting against heart- and blood-related conditions, and other chronic conditions which will be discussed later.

3. Swimming provides social support and aids mental health and development:

Along with physical benefits, swimming possibly also improves the mental health of individuals who participate in the sport. The comfort of being around others and the effort required to successfully learn a new skill, can at least help ease the moods and circumstances contributing to some mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression

4. Learning to swim reduces the chance of drowning:

The importance of knowing how to swim cannot be understated in its ability to save lives in some cases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 36,000 drowning deaths occur around the world every year. The WHO names drowning the “third-leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide”, with the most susceptible populations being children, men and individuals with access to water.

5. The risk of contracting certain chronic illnesses drops with swimming exercise:

Through the engagement and development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, swimming potentially lowers the risk of chronic illnesses later in life. Other benefits of swimming( i.e. lowered resting heart rate, higher oxygen intake capacity, and improvements in mood and sociality) are instrumental in protecting against chronic diseases.

6. Swimming supports a healthy and longer life:

In aging, the general physiology of the body tends to deteriorate over time:; the metabolism, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, and neuromuscular system experience declines in function at an accelerated rate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           While most physical activity already correlates to a healthier lifestyle in general, swimming can contribute certain advantages that can be more beneficial when compared to other forms of exercise. Whether starting at a younger age or taking up the sport in later years, engaging in swimming is useful for maintaining healthful habits and delaying the onset of aging and its symptoms over time.

7. As a low-impact exercise, swimming causes less overall damage to muscles and joints:

While many doctors recommend physical activity in general, certain members of the population may not readily participate, concerned with the effect some exercises will have no their bodies. Whit its low-impact attributes, swimming may be a reasonable exercise for people trying to protect the movement and function of their joints from new or continued strain from impact damage.

8. A correlation exists between swimming and an overall decrease in body fat percentage:

For weight loss goals, whether through personal desire or medical recommendation, swimming may result in an overall decrease in body fat percentage

Overall: In short, the research found that:

Swimming is a valuable life-saving adaptation and skill to learn.

While any form of physical activity is markedly better than a sedentary lifestyle, swimming may be an easier choice for individuals at the start or in the middle of their respective fitness journeys.

Research supports that swimming is potentially less stressful on the body than high-impact exercises, increases oxygen capacity, improves cardiovascular function, helps protect against chronic illness, delays the effects of aging, and aids body weight regulation for its participants.

The social support and community one gains through swimming is also a great motivator for its participants, who are encouraged to maintain and continue its practice as they age, regardless of whether or not they do so for competitive purposes.

Check out the full report from Jen Reviews here: https://www.jenreviews.com/swimming/

,as well as their 5 tips on becoming a better swimmer.