Testimonials from High School Counselors
“Thank you for the most recent issue of LINK. I added the LINK for the LINK magazine on our school guidance page under Resources for Hoover High School. Our parents will like this magazine.”
—Jason Downey, Hoover High School
“I absolutely love your publication! I find it very helpful in my guidance of students in the college planning process. With this said, I would be most pleased to subscribe to your newsletter as well as the other resources you have available.
Thank you for all that you do!” – Carmelita Crocker, CAP, OH
“I just received my copy of your magazine. What caught my attention were the topics on the front of the magazine. Thank you for thinking of us counselors!”
—Cynthia Deiner, Los Osos High School
“I just happened to get a copy of LINK Magazine and it’s so helpful!”
—Sherri O’Lonergan, MA, NCC, LPC, Air Academy High School
“Your group is doing a great job/service for all of us. I use your articles frequently as I advise students and parents, and they also keep me fresh and engaged with current goings-on. LINK is a hit!”
—Steve Cook, Stoney Creek High School
“We absolutely love LINK! Thank you so much for this valuable resource.”
—Darrell R. Pickard, M.S.Ed., Stratford Senior High School
“I’m loving LINK Magazine. Great articles/topics; very relevant.”
—Robert F. Kennedy, Smoky Hill High School
“I just got LINK magazine this morning, and I love it!”
—Mike Hays, M.Ed., LPC-I, Northwest High School Counseling Team
“We are SO impressed! Thank you so much for this great resource.”
—Jenna Clark, Bedford North Lawrence High School
“LINK is filled with articles that were 110% relative to what we do day in and day out in the high school counseling profession. What a great resource for all professionals!”
—Mary Dolejs, Independence High School
“It is a GREAT magazine that students, counselors and teachers can read to obtain great college and university information.”
—Juan Mendoza-Romero, Ed.D., Panorama High School
“I am only on page 33 of the magazine and I already have great information!! I am really impressed, and will look forward to more!!!”
—Melanie Schubach, Boling High School
“I have been in this profession for 24 years and this is the best resource I have ever read!”
– John Chillman, Faith Lutheran, Las Vegas, NV
“I had to stop what I was doing to write you!
I LOVE the LINK magazine! All of the articles are relevant and timed perfectly! The spring issue has touched on every topic that I need. As the sole counselor at my school, it is wonderful to have this invaluable resource to read and refer back to. THANK YOU for the LINK!”– Karen Qualls, Hilton Head Christian Academy, Hilton Head, SC
“I am writing to you from Colorado to say thank you! I have been (literally) carrying around my LINK magazine for 3 weeks now.. it has traveled with me to OK, CA and finally back to CO where it is spring break and i have time to sit and read it. Your magazine is WONDERFUL!! article after article has headliners for articles I want to read and they are written with so much valuable tools and information. As professional development chair for a our RMACAC region, I am always looking for helpful information to share with counselors. I will definitely be sharing the LINK magazine and website with everyone I know as a resource for helpful handouts, articles and newsletters. Thank you so much for such a helpful go to guide!”
– Diane Campbell, Fossil Ridge High School, Ft. Collins, CO
“I just received my first copy of Link (Fall 2020) and it is amazing! Thank you so much for your publication. It is packed full of useful and relevant information. I will definitely use it now and in the future.
Thanks again!”– Elizabeth Cotton, Green Level High School – 11/20
“May I copy and distribute or post on my Guidance Google Classroom the articles and information I read in this publication? It is always so helpful and I would like to share it with my students, staff, and parents.
Thank you”– Mary Conville, Counselor, Pottsville Area High School, PA – 3/21
” I read these cover to cover. Would you please e-mail me the links of the 5 last e-newsletters again!”
Alease Copelin, Center High School, Center, TX
“One of the deans at our school received a copy of the LINK for Counselors magazine and passed it along to me. I found it most informative and would love to be added to your mailing list.”
Candace Sutton, Tuscaloosa Academy, Tuscaloosa, AL
“Is there any way I could get a hard copy of the Fall LINK? I love this resource!!!”
Nancy Josey, Briarcrest High School, Olive Branch, MS
“I look forward to the LINK newsletter as there is always something useful and timely in each issue. I noticed in the latest newsletter my school & department were highlighted. It was such a pleasant surprise!”
Jamie Miner, Wilson Magnet High School, Rochester, NY – 4/23