The Term School Counselor (as opposed to Guidance Counselor)
We recently had some great feedback about our Fall 2015 issue of LINK for Counselors as it hit schools around the country. I enjoy hearing from Counselors like you on what content was of most interest and what you and your peers would like to see more of in future issues.
I received feedback from a couple of Counselors about a couple of instances where articles used the term Guidance Counselor. There is a move underfoot within the profession to officially use the term School Counselor (rather than Guidance Counselor). The growing trend is in response to Counselors’ desire to be seen as professionals in an increasingly complex system, and their ability to work fluidly with all aspects within the system. The expected duties are more extensive than those practiced by vocational guidance counselors of the past, hence the feeling of many school counselors that the name of the profession should reflect its expanded roles. Just as “shop teachers” changed to “technology teachers,” and “Home Economics” changed to “Family and Consumer Science,” so “guidance counselor” should be changed to “school counselor” to reflect the changing roles and curricula.
This website helps explain the change: School Counselor (yes) vs Guidance Counselor(no)
This 2 minute also video explains it nicely: Comprehensive School Counseling
After researching the issue more I have made the decision to no longer use the term “Guidance Counselor” and will use “School Counselor” going forward in future issues of the magazine, our e-newsletter and content posted to our site.
I always appreciate feedback and hope you will continue to provide it. We are always willing to evaluate that feedback and work with the Counselor community to enact changes that are important to you.