The Top 12 Questions Your Students Should Ask Their Future College About Safety

With COVID-19 there are a lot of unanswered questions about how schools will handle safety protocols. There have already been breakouts at a number of schools including the University of Alabama which reported positive tests for more than 500 students today. If your students are concerned here are 12 questions they can ask their future schools.

  1. Who do I alert if I believe I am sick or have symptoms of the coronavirus?
  2. Will face coverings or masks be required?
  3. What regulations and requirements will be enforced to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 on campus?
  4. How do I get tested on campus?
  5. Is there a place nearby?
  6. What happens if my roommate or I have to self-isolate?
  7. How will we practice social distancing in classrooms and other common areas of campus?
  8. How will my campus track the number of positive cases and tracing?
  9. How will students be notified about new Coronavirus cases and the spread?
  10. How will my college handle remote meetings, classes, office hours and tutoring?
  11. What virtual resources will be available?
  12. What activities will be available that meet social distancing guidelines? (Intramural sports, gyms, etc.)

These came from a Guide to College Safety During the Pandemic published online at Here is a link for your students to check it out: