Top 60 Blogs for Counselors

Feedspot has just updated its list of the top blogs available for Counselors. We are happy to say that LINK for Counselors was ranked as the #4 blog for Counselors(we are #1 specifically for High School Counselors). There are some other great blogs out there so we wanted to spotlight a few from their list and provide a link to the entire list:

1. The Corner On Character

The Corner On Character Friendswood, Texas, US

I’m a school counselor, character coach, and author in Friendswood, Texas who hopes that you’ll find something that will positively inspire, intrigue or influence you while you’re here.

Frequency 1 post / week Since Jun 2011 Follow

2. FHS Counseling Information Blog

FHS Counseling Information Blog Dearborn, Michigan, US The goal of the counseling department at Dearborn Public Schools is to help students develop to their fullest potential intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Counselors help students gain the self-knowledge necessary to become independent & responsible decision-makers by assisting them in the areas like personal & crisis issues, career planning, college & financial aid guidance, academic planning & course selection, and much more.

Frequency 1 post / quarter Follow

3. For High School Counselors

For High School Counselors Atlanta, Georgia, US I am a licensed professional counselor, mediator, conflict coach, Youth Mental Health lst Aid trainer, & peer educator who has a passion for educating others!

Frequency 1 post / week

4. Counselor Up!

Counselor Up! North Carolina, US Hi, I’m Rebecca Atkins! I’m a school counselor & central office administrator. On my blog, Counselor Up, I share tips on organizing your comprehensive school counseling program, lesson plans, group ideas, and individual counseling tips. Counselor Up! is a place to share some of the ideas, organizing tools, and planning for a comprehensive school counselor program!

Frequency 1 post / month Since Jun 2014

5. The School Counselor Life

The School Counselor Life As a school counselor, I understand how difficult it can be to find new, innovative, and fun ideas to implement with your students, so I’ve decided to compile my favorite classroom lessons, session ideas, and organization tips for all of you to use with the children at your schools, as well as style ideas and self care practices to encompass every aspect of The School Counselor Life.

Frequency 2 posts / quarter Since Oct 2015

6. Confident Counselors

Confident CounselorsNew York, US We are a group of school counselors, psychologists, and social workers working together to bring resources to our colleagues. This was made for you. Confident Counselors is a monthly round up of resources, products, best practices, articles, comic relief, blog posts, give aways and ideas in action. Frequency 10 posts / year Since May 2016

7. Counselors’ Corner

Counselors' Corner A Blog of views and opinions from school counselors about the counseling profession. Frequency 1 post / quarter Since Jan 2011 hscw-counselorscorner.blogsp..

8. School Counselor Stephanie

School Counselor StephanieTexas, US With over 20 years of teaching and counseling experience, I am currently a bilingual school counselor in a Central Texas public school system. This website addresses current issues in the school counseling world! In my monthly posts, I will provide helpful tips and links to enhance your counseling. Frequency 1 post / year Since May 2015

9. Exploring School Counseling

Exploring School Counseling I love to learn and I love to share! Much of what I know about school counseling has been learned through trial and error in the everyday experiences of working with students, teachers, and families. I am forever grateful to my mentors and colleagues who have shared advice and their best practices with me. It is my desire to ‘pay it forward’ to offer ideas, resources, and encouragement to others Frequency 8 posts / year Since Jun 2014

10. College Counselor Traci | Counselor Resources for College & Career