Two New Scholarships Available for Your Students

A couple new scholarship opportunities are available to your students:

  1. Wade Kricken Scholarship for Future Attorneys: Have any students that are considering a career in Law?

This scholarship is available for students in the United States who are currently enrolled in a university, and high school students who have plans to attend a university.  The scholarship is meant to help a deserving student with scholarship funding who wishes to become an attorney.

 Here is some brief information about the scholarship: 

  • Award of $1,000 to a Single Student
  • Deadline for this scholarship is July 15, 2023
  • A winner will be announced by August 15, 2023 

All of the details and criteria can be found on our page:

2. Cameron Impact Scholarship:

The Cameron Impact Scholarship is impact-driven and open to all applicants who meet the GPA and citizenship requirements, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation or any other background factors.  Integrity, intelligence, motivation, work ethic, and willingness to serve others are the strongest indicators of a worthy educational investment.

  • 10-15 scholarships awarded per year
  • Four-year, full tuition scholarship (actual dollar amount varies based upon school selection
  • Freedom in choice of school and area of study


  • Accepting applications for the Class of 2024
  • Have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.7
  • Must excel in extracurricular activities
  • exhibit strong leadership qualities
  • demonstrate active participation in community service
  • be a citizen of the United States.

DEADLINES (Max of 3,000 eligible applications will be reviewed)

Early Applicant Deadline – May 19, 2023

–       Finalist decisions by end of June 2023

Regular Applicant Deadline – September 8, 2023* 

–       Finalists decisions by end of October 2023

*If maximum number of applications has not yet been exceeded

All Finalist Interviews conducted in October and November 2023

Scholarships are awarded in December 2023

Link to scholarship: