Underemployment among College Graduates Drops
Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce recently released a Report: Sharp Declines in Underemployment for College Graduates
The report showed that Underemployment for College Graduates had dramatically dropped while those with just a high school degree have much higher employment rates. College graduates’ rate of underemployment has declined from 10.2 percent to
6.2 percent today. That is much lower than the 13 percent underemployment rate of high school graduates.
The report also looks at underemployment by ethnicity (whites have much lower unemployment rates than Hispanics and African-Americans), but without a College Degree all 3 groups have much higher underemployment rates. It also reported on underemployment rates of amen vs. women. During the recession men had higher unemployment rates but currently have lower unemployment rates.
There is some interesting data in the report but in short the data clearly shows earning a College Degree continues to be a key indicator of employment rate over a persons career.