Webinar Available: Understanding Test Optional College Admissions
It is expected that over half the 4-year colleges in the U.S. will offer test optional admissions for applicants this fall. This webinar will show your students how important it is to apply with an ACT or SAT score and how to decide whether to submit test scores to test optional schools. Also covered is how test optional admissions practices benefit colleges and universities. A full understanding of test optional policies will help students in building their college lists.
Discussion points include:
What is Test Optional College Admissions?
What are some of the reasons Colleges prefer Test Optional Policies?
COVID-19 and Test Optional Policies
How to Decide if You Should Test and How to Decide if You Should Send Your Test Scores
The webinar is hosted by Michelle McAnaney, Founder of The College Spy and it is free. Here is the link to watch it and that can be shared with your students: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/yM52aJ_76TJLH5X85BHFRO0-EI3hT6a8hydMr_ZbyEoHRy3219vwgAuVtdbBfR3c