Winners of $10 Amazon Gift Card – Participants in Paramount Research Study
We recently surveyed Counselors that had participated in a survey related to readership of the print and digital versions of the Spring 2020 issue of LINK for Counselors. As an incentive to participate, we offered all entrants a chance to be chosen as a winner of one of ten $10 gift cards that would be randomly drawn.
Here are the winners that have been notified and sent their cards:
Mrs. Corrie Klinefelter, Cactus Shadows High School
Mr. Kristi Cooper-Denton – Edgewood Jr/Sr High School
Mrs. Pat Cunneen – Benet Academy
Ms. Daysi Colom – Belleville High School
Mr. Jed Geary – Eagle Hill School
Jennifer Brown – Bullock Creek High School
Rachel Henderson – Oswego High School
Maria Correa
Ms. Kim Jackson-Allen – Windsor Forest High School
Ms. Laura Willard – The Woodlands High School
Congratulations again to all these Counselors and thanks again to all who participated in the survey.