3 Underrated Facts about College Admissions

College Admissions is the closest thing modern America has to a rite of passage, but far from being the meritocracy we would like to believe, the selective college admissions process looks more like a beauty contest. Aspiring high school students have to figure out how they have to act and what they have to look like on paper to get “accepted” by a group of people they’ve never met.

The choice of school is tied up with achievement, status, and, more importantly, the hopes and dreams of every college-bound student and their families. Given that parents are going to drive around with the school’s logo pasted to the back of their car, it’s no wonder the whole process has become so unbearably loaded.

Before we get too caught up in this cycle of acceptance and rejection, here are three college facts worth keeping in mind:

Fact #1 – College Is The Greatest Invention Ever

You’re going there to learn something, right? Remember that they have these people who have spent their entire lives studying Shakespeare, or philosophy, or physics, and their sole job is to explain it to you. If you wish to play sports, the school will provide a coach, teammates, competition, transportation, equipment, fans to cheer for you, a newspaper to write about you, and often even someone else to clean up when you’re done.  Would you like to be a DJ? Here is a radio station. Would you like to be a concert promoter? Here is a budget, go hire whomever you like. Want some friends? Here are a few thousand other kids and plenty of time to do nothing but hang out. Want a girlfriend or boyfriend? Here are a few thousand other kids and No Parents! And you Get Your Own Room! College is not without its trials and tribulations, but it’s also a pretty sweet deal.

Fact #2 – Anyone Who Wants To Go To College Will Go To College

Getting into college is not even remotely difficult. Colleges have been increasing their capacity for decades, and there are thousands of them. The vast majority of these schools would dearly love to see you on their campuses and they would dearly love to have your tuition in their coffers. Whether it is scholarships, financial aid, or student loans, there are plenty of institutions lining up to help you pay for your college experience. (Be careful what you wish for here, you could be paying off your student loans well into adulthood.)

Yes, there are some highly selective schools and yes, they have admissions departments, but for 98% of them, the admissions department is really a marketing department. That 98%, by the way, includes plenty of schools that you have heard of and quite a few whose stickers you would happily put in the back window of the old family wagon.

Fact #3 – The Quality Of Your Education Depends On You, Not Your School

There are some great professors at the top schools, and some terrible ones. There are some great professors at your local community college, and some terrible ones. Many undergraduate classes (even at many Ivies and other highly selective schools) are taught primarily by teaching assistants. Think about that for a moment: you sacrificed your way through four years of high school to get to the school of your dreams, only to find that your teachers are a bunch of graduate students who themselves are only just out of college.

The quality of the school you attend has absolutely no bearing on your motivation to get yourself out of bed to attend that lecture. You can skip classes just as easily at Harvard as you can at State. It’s what you do with your four years that determines the opportunities that open up for you after graduation, and it’s what you do with that first job that will determine the next one. The name of your institution is neither a golden ticket nor a lead anchor. What really matters is the degree to which you engage with the world around you, and only you can control that.

How To Get In

To get ready for college, do the things you love doing and do them as much and as well as you can. Do this because it’s how you grow and learn and become a more interesting person – and because doing things you love is fun. This approach happens to provide the fringe benefits of making you more interesting to colleges, giving you plenty to write about in an essay, and giving you lots of supportive adults who will be delighted to write you glowing recommendations.  When it’s time for college, it behooves you to be as selective of them as they are of you. You are the consumer, offering years of your life and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars. Pick the colleges that meet your criteria and tell them that they’d be lucky to have you.  Wherever you end up, find the most interesting courses, make friends with the best professors, and keep doing the stuff that you love. Stick to those rules and you’ll be surprised with how well things work out.

Neill Seltzer is the CEO of Noodle Pros.

This article was originally published by Forbes. Here is the link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/noodleeducation/2016/10/03/3-underrated-facts-about-college-admissions/#467ec8729619