Social Media Addiction/Depression Video for High School/Middle School Students
Many teens do not understand the link between social media addiction and depression/anxiety. This video explains that link. Follow up questions included.
Screen time is literally rewiring the brains of the nation’s youth..This teaches students why excessive screen time is dangerous – it also covers why it can lead to depression and anxiety. Perfect for middle and high school students. Keith explains the science behind social media/gaming addiction in a way students can understand. Follow up questions for class discussion included. Play video and then pause for class discussion questions at the end. This video lesson includes closed captioning and meets ADA guidelines and will support your current anti bullying teaching objectives. Feel free to use this video to augment your existing anti cyber bullying program. Keith’s anti bullying and character education curriculum is appropriate for middle and high school students.
Keith Deltano has served and worked with youth and families as a public school teacher, academic coach, parent coach, and international touring educational comedian. He is the winner of the Teacher Excellence Award for his work with at risk youth and the creator of the SEL video curriculum,